I’m so excited as I write this … we are going to be offering Inferno Hot Pilates at my yoga studio!
For nearly eight years, I’ve offered only Bikram Yoga: the incredible, healing, transformative, life-changing series of 26 postures and 2 breathing exercises. The Original Hot Yoga. Teaching and practicing Bikram Yoga is my passion, and that’s not about to change.
Then I was introduced to Inferno Hot Pilates and took my first class a few months after my Theo (my third baby in less than four years) was born.
The class blew my mind! And pushed me to my physical and mental limits with the support and encouragement of the other students around me.
I felt muscles being activated that I forgot I had.
I realized I could repair and strengthen the stretched out and underused abdominal, pelvic floor, and Glute muscles that I had forgotten about in these past few years of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
And not to sound silly, but letting go of all my thoughts as I sweat with the help of the motivating music made me feel unstoppable!
After just a few classes I started to feel my waistline change shape and many postures in Bikram Yoga became easier. Like I had more strength and stamina to stay in them.
As you might remember from this post, I completed the Inferno Hot Pilates Teacher Training a few months ago, and have been practicing teaching ever since. I wanted to get comfortable with the music and the instruction as well as the timing before I offered this class so I could give YOU GUYS the best experience possible!
Well now I’m ready, and I hope you will join me for Inferno Hot Pilates at the studio!
Here’s what we’re going to do at the studio:
- Inferno Hot Pilates will be offered on Saturdays in June at 4pm. That means this month we’ll have Inferno Hot Pilates on June 9th, June 16th, June 23rd, and June 30th at 4pm (Sign up to reserve your spot here!)
- We might, however, add in MORE Pop Up classes depending on your interest!
- I’ll let you know Sunday evenings for the upcoming week about any Pop Up Classes via email, Facebook, and Instagram so be sure we’re connected. (Right now I’m thinking that Tuesdays/Thursdays early morning could work as well as mid-day, like 11:30am or noon).
- If you like this class please attend and let me know! I’m already planning on how I can add more classes in the fall, but I need your feedback to do this.
- Regular class rates apply so you can use your current package!
Here are a handful of points to know about Inferno Hot Pilates:
- Be prepared to sweat and work hard.
- Your Glutes will get strong. Having strong Glutes is a surefire way to protect your back health that you work so hard to achieve in Bikram Yoga. When your Glutes (the largest muscles in your body) are strong, they absorb shock from day to day activities (running, walking, sitting, standing) so that your lower back doesn’t take on that stress.
- You’re working hard, the whole class. While your 8th set of an exercise might be slower than your 1st set, the goal is to push yourself to your limit. Your body changes very quickly with this approach. But keep in mind…
- FORM BEFORE DEPTH! Always. You want to maintain proper form and alignment (just like in yoga). Speed and depth will come over time.
- The music makes this class really motivating and tons of fun!
- The class is only one hour, so you can easily fit it into your schedule. Also, it feels like you’re in the hot room for no time (i.e. it goes by really fast
- Stay positive if something is challenging for you! If you’re anything like me, you’ll notice some of the exercises are hard. Your body hasn’t done them in a long time. Mine hadn’t either. Working those muscles is the best way to get them back into shape!
- Your body will get stronger, so if you’re using this to complement your Bikram Yoga practice, you’ll notice certain postures getting easier, more doable, and that you have more strength to hold them (for me, the postures I’ve noticed the most change in have been Pranayama Breathing, Standing Head to Knee, Triangle, Standing Separate Leg Head to Knee, and Toe Stand).
- If you’re injured, just like you would for yoga class, please let me know before class. There are many modifications, and I’ll want to know how I can help you get the most out of your class.
I seriously can’t wait for you guys to experience this! My mission the entire time I’ve had my studio has been to bring healing and and wellness to my hometown community. Inferno Hot Pilates, with it’s no impact exercises, its transformative benefits, and its complementary nature to Bikram Yoga fits that bill to a tee.
I can’t wait to see you in our hot room for Inferno Hot Pilates and Bikram Yoga!